Inspiring Children’s Futures Network Event - Ensuring Equity in Education

The Inspiring Children’s Futures Network (ICFN), in collaboration with the Strathclyde Institute of Education is delighted to announce our latest Lecture, which will take place on Wednesday, 21st February 2024, welcoming Lee Elliot Major, Professor of Social Mobility at University of Exeter for his lecture Ensuring Equity in Education.

Join us for a lecture held by Professor Lee Elliot Major, followed by an expert response panel. A drinks reception will follow.

Event Timing: Wednesday 21st February 2024, 5pm-7pm

Event Address: University of Strathclyde, Glasgow


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Scotland has grappled with deep and stubborn divides in children’s educational outcomes which continue to fall along socioeconomic lines, with profound implications for children, families and wider society, in the short and long term. Despite sustained political and financial commitments, and a determined teaching profession, there remains far to go to close this gap and ensure equity in our Education System across Scotland. These are complex problems we are determined to solve so that every child can reach their potential, particularly children living in poverty.

To help us in this mission, Professor Lee Elliot Major will bring his important research to bear on these international challenges. He set outs concrete approaches to schooling which strive to make classrooms genuinely inclusive while recognising the stark inequalities outside the school gates. He highlights the value of celebrating the achievements of the working classes, and actively removing social class biases in the classroom, to better tackle these persistent school achievement divides.

Lee Elliot Major is Britain’s first Professor of Social Mobility, based at the University of Exeter. He was previously Chief Executive of the Sutton Trust. Lee is one of the most prominent public voices in national debates about education inequality and speaks about social equity across the world. He was awarded an OBE in the 2019 Queen’s Honours. He is the first in his family to go to university. His new book co-authored with Emily Bryant ‘Equity in Education’ was immediately ranked among Amazon’s 'Hot New Releases in Education’ on its release.

The Inspiring Children’s Futures Network (ICFN)
ICFN brings the Institute's Doctoral Research Centre together with academics, practitioners and experts to highlight the benefits of research-informed practice - for solutions-focused, evidence- and impact-driven outcomes which improve the lives of children - in line with Inspiring Children's Futures focus on revealing and resolving the structural barriers which prevent children from fulfilling their full potential.

The Strathclyde Institute of Education (IofE)
IofE is the leading provider of teacher education in Scotland, and one of the largest in the UK. Our teacher education courses have a strong track record and are valued highly by our students. Our graduates are sought after by schools all over the country, and most of our students are in employment by graduation.


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